Both Severne and Cofton Primary Schools located in Birmingham, strive to provide a thriving happy environment

Testimonial Written by the ICT Manager of Severne Primary School & Cofton Primary School 

About Severne Primary School & Cofton Primary School

Both Severne and Cofton Primary Schools located in Birmingham, strive to provide a thriving happy environment where every child is valued and cared for. They understand that it is important that every pupil is confident and well prepared for when it is time to start secondary school.

At this early stage in a child’s education, the schools pride themselves on encouraging a strong partnership between home and the school to ensure that pupils make the best possible progress whilst making sure parents are regularly updated on their child’s progress.

Both schools see the benefits of having touchscreen facilities in the school and how they bring a positive impact on a child’s learning.

This is what Mr Harj Janjua, the ICT Manager of Severne Primary School and Cofton Primary School had to say about the project:

 Technology plays a key role in supporting teaching and learning at both schools and our ICT Development Plan is embedded in to our School Development Plan. This ensures we have the right infrastructure, resources and training in place for our staff to deliver high standards of teaching and learning.

We originally had the traditional SMARTBoard and ceiling mounted projector layout across both sites and were finding this technology was starting to fail and was beginning to have an impact on teaching and learning. I was receiving requests from colleagues on almost a daily basis with various issues. I then began to research the new interactive screens that come on to the market.

In 2015 we visited the Education Show, NEC, whereby we met Proactive AV. Various screens were tested but the one that stood out to us was the Clevertouch. We were impressed with the accuracy, response and clarity of the screen compared to others on the market. From these meetings we arranged screen loans from four different suppliers. During the course of these loans we experienced various issues from: poor training and screens being delivered on the wrong day/time or taken back earlier than the agreed loan time. Proactive on the other hand were very professional – prompt, gave excellent training and support throughout the loan period.

Another advantage of the Clevertouch is the integrated PC option. To me this meant no need for an external PC or the class teacher having to connect their laptop to the screen each morning – less wires!

Since the trial, we have developed a strong relationship with Proactive AV and invested in over 30 Clevertouch interactive screens across both sites. Staff are overwhelmed with the kit and praise how much positive impact it has made in the classroom in comparison to the previous technology: pupil engagement as visibility is far greater (particularly on summer days), multi-touch feature, greater accuracy when modelling handwriting (no more calibrations, ever!), no more shadows when in front of the screen, just to name a few. The engineers are always tidy and adjust installs to our requirements without hesitation. Staff training is inclusive and the trainers are well knowledged with the screen functionality.


I have recommended Proactive AV to numerous schools and will continue to do so in the future. 

Contact the ProactiveAV team at:

T: 01480 810405

